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  Now About All This Hydrogen Stuff ...  Commenter Today, 14:42
  Re: Now About All This Hydrogen Stuff ... what about it?  BOB2 Today, 14:44
  Re: Now About All This Hydrogen Stuff ... And more catfishing of BOB2 by the BOB2 obsessed mentally ill TOMN...  BOB2 Today, 15:02
  Re: Now About All This Hydrogen Stuff ... Excellent, well reasoned "opinion" about the issues and options, well worth the read...  BOB2 Today, 15:18
  Re: Now About All This Hydrogen Stuff ... Excellent, well reasoned "opinion" about the issues and options, well worth the read...  BOB2 Today, 15:22
  Re: Now About All This Hydrogen Stuff ... And another mentally ill sexual predator troll post by the TOMN catfishing BOB2...  BOB2 Today, 15:52
  Re: Now About All This BOB2 Stuff ... And another mentally ill troll post .  Mogen Bob Today, 16:20
  Re: And another mentally ill troll post?  BOB2 Today, 16:24
  Re: And another mentally ill troll post?  Rule Great! Today, 16:29
  India Developing H2 trains, and a perfect example of RailPAC using the anti H2 "talking point" about "evil" hydrogen being part of the vast dirty energy conspiracy......  BOB2 Today, 11:17
  Re: India Developing H2 trains, and a perfect example of RailPAC using the anti H2 "talking point" about "evil" hydrogen being part of the vast dirty energy conspiracy......  Huddy Transportation Consulting Today, 13:31
  Re: India Developing H2 trains, and a perfect example of RailPAC using the anti H2 "talking point" about "evil" hydrogen being part of the vast dirty energy conspiracy......  BOB2 Today, 14:16
  And just to get the H2 "deniers" all knickers in a twist... More models available in "evil" H2... Oh the humanity....  BOB2 Today, 07:03
  Re: And just to get the H2 "deniers" all knickers in a twist... More models available in "evil" H2... Oh the humanity....  Rattle the Cage Today, 07:15
  Re: And just to get the H2 "deniers" all knickers in a twist... More models available in "evil" H2... And the TOMN is already trolling me, with nothing real to say...  BOB2 Today, 07:26
  Re: And just to get the H2 "deniers" all knickers in a twist... More models available in "evil" H2... And the TOMN is already trolling me, with nothing real to say...  Huddy Transportation Consulting Today, 13:30
  Re: I see that the menrtally ill TOMN is threatening to do self harm again  BOB2 Today, 14:09
  $893M federal grant for East San Fernando Valley Light Rail project  BUSted Rail Yesterday, 18:40
  Re: $893M federal grant for East San Fernando Valley Light Rail project  Money printer Yesterday, 19:40
  And for those who want to see some "serious" mountain railroading with switchbacks in tunnels....  BOB2 Yesterday, 09:29
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" mountain railroading with switchbacks in tunnels....  Not trying to be LongLiveNitpcking Yesterday, 12:59
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" mountain railroading...  Long Live H2 Yesterday, 14:09
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? H2 vehicles are also affected by less O2 and less air pressure from altitude. Steamies, not so much by high altitude...  BOB2 Yesterday, 14:52
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? H2 vehicles are also affected by less O2 and less air pressure from altitude. Steamies, not so much by high altitude...  FUD Yesterday, 16:10
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? H2 vehicles are also affected by less O2 and less air pressure from altitude. Steamies, not so much by high altitude...  Elon Musk Yesterday, 17:10
  Re: I see that we have another mentally ill sexual predator troll post from the TOMN illegally catfishing as Elon Musk..  BOB2 Yesterday, 17:34
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? H2 vehicles are also affected by less O2 and less air pressure from altitude. Steamies, not so much by high altitude...  Clem Yesterday, 21:50
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? I see that Clem is repeating the fake anti H2 "talking point" about how fuel cells are "underpowered".... LMAO Cle....  BOB2 Today, 06:09
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? I see that Clem is repeating the fake anti H2 "talking point" about how fuel cells are "underpowered".... LMAO Cle....  Professor Today, 07:05
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? I see that a poor little snowflake is melting down over my comments..  BOB2 Today, 07:16
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? I see that a poor little snowflake is melting down over my comments..  Huddy Transportation Consulting Today, 13:29
  Re: And for those who want to see some "serious" railroad questions? I see that a poor little snowflake is melting down over my comments again and again...  BOB2 Today, 14:28
  Railroading in that part of the world is "different".  Peruvian Rail Today, 02:22
  Re: Railroading in that part of the world is "different". Yep, this is some mighty awesome RR geography...  BOB2 Today, 14:31
  Meanwhile, the 117-degree heat has not shut down the Cajon rail cam...  BOB2 Yesterday, 08:40
  Kepner collection locos out there  !!! 09-05-2024, 13:37
  Re: Kepner collection locos out there  Anonymous 09-05-2024, 13:47
  Re: Kepner collection locos out there  A quick Google search... 09-05-2024, 20:56
  BOB2 troll collection and no trains is getting real old on AP  SHUT UP! 09-05-2024, 23:33
  Re: BOB2 troll collection and no trains is getting real old on AP  TOMN 09-05-2024, 23:34
  Re: Is this an on-line threat to do harm, or is it a projection where the troll is in danger of self harm? Either way it is another mentally ill troll post.  BOB2 Yesterday, 07:26
  BOB2 another troll post.  I miss Rob and Carol. Yesterday, 08:05
  Re: BOB2 another troll post? He (you?) seems to get off from blaming me for his (your?) sick troll posts  BOB2 Yesterday, 08:29
  Re: BOB2 another troll post? He (you?) seems to get off from blaming me for his (your?) sick troll posts  Question for BOB2 Yesterday, 17:28
  Re: Kepner collection locos out there  WC Yesterday, 11:37
  Re: Sierra #34  article link Yesterday, 14:07
  CAHSR by Drone Tule River Viaduct to Deer Creek & Ave 56  Commenter 09-05-2024, 13:15
  Re: CAHSR reported route in the flat valley by Drone -You need to seek help for your illness!  PR LOON 09-05-2024, 14:05
  The spooky season is almost here! Yakima's historic trolleys! October 26/27 , 2024 ! Halloween!  Boo! Join us! All ages! 09-05-2024, 13:08
  Meet YVT's yellow motors  Palm Springs of the NW Yesterday, 17:37
  OET Trolley museum in Perris,Ca. has wildfire at their front door!!!  Post Fire 09-05-2024, 00:56
  Re: OET Trolley museum in Perris,Ca. has wildfire at their front door!!! UPDATE POSITIVE!!!  THANK YOU, LORD! 09-05-2024, 08:31
  Re: OET Trolley museum in Perris,Ca. has wildfire at their front door!!!  FUD 09-05-2024, 08:36
  Re: OET Trolley museum in Perris,Ca. has wildfire at their front door!!!  E23OETM 09-05-2024, 10:04
  Re: OET Trolley museum in Perris,Ca. has wildfire at their front door!!!  BOB2 09-05-2024, 11:25
  Re: I see that the mentally ill TOMN is catfishing BOB2 again on AP....  BOB2 09-05-2024, 11:36
  Re: The People at Perris  Bruce Kelly 09-05-2024, 13:08
  Re: The public folks climbing in cab at Perris, thank you for visiting!  98/108 - whatever? Does not matter? 09-05-2024, 14:36
  Re: YouTube amateur videos  1450 Yesterday, 13:28
  Re: YouTube not so amateur videos on museum property.  Amateur she ain't ! Yesterday, 17:16
  Re: OET Trolley museum  1450 09-05-2024, 14:16
  Re: OET Trolley museum -  Wrong Way 09-05-2024, 14:38
  Trainnews - 9/4/24  Espee99 09-04-2024, 12:02
  Re: Trainnews - 9/4/24 - UP Dispatching changes?  BOB2 09-04-2024, 12:30
  Re: Trainnews - 9/4/24 - Are you joking about Oakland?  Chor Ng Accountant 09-04-2024, 22:28
  Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN  Foam Vomit? 09-04-2024, 11:26
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotive failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN  Bruce Kelly 09-04-2024, 14:46
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN  09-04-2024, 14:52
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN  Clem 09-05-2024, 01:54
  Wasn’t me  Clem 09-05-2024, 07:17
  Re: I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is posting his explicit sexual desires while catfishing as Clem...  BOB2 09-05-2024, 11:51
  Re: I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is posting his explicit sexual desires while catfishing as Clem...  Lackawanna484 09-05-2024, 13:04
  Re: I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is now posting his explicit sexual desires while catfishing as Lackawanna484  BOB2 09-05-2024, 14:24
  Off the rails again  Admin 09-05-2024, 18:17
  Re: Off the rails again? He sick and needs no prompting, if I didn't exiist he'd still be a mentally ill sexual predator trolling a train chat board to get his jollies off....  BOB2 09-05-2024, 21:55
  Re: Off the rails again? He sick and needs no prompting, if I didn't exiist he'd still be a mentally ill sexual predator trolling a train chat board to get his jollies off....  TOMN 09-05-2024, 23:33
  But Mr Beetle I am a High School Gradu-wait  Lily TOMN Yesterday, 04:45
  Re: Amtrak ALC42 Charger locomotives failed, borrowed BNSF locomotive leads..AGAIN  Mayor of Yermo 09-05-2024, 09:08
  Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP  FUD 09-03-2024, 20:50
  Re: Highandaway 37 and not so SMART/NWP  TELL ME! 09-03-2024, 22:38
  Re: Highandaway 37 and not so SMART/NWP  FUD 09-04-2024, 07:46
  What a load of horse crap. Rise is measured in inches. Always wrong alarmists say 1 foot in 30 years. No one is going to be displaced by a 1 foot rise. Which elsewhere you say by 2100.  Stop being a Liarwanna 09-04-2024, 19:02
  Re: What a load of horse crap. Rise is measured in inches. Always wrong alarmists say 1 foot in 30 years. No one is going to be displaced by a 1 foot rise. Which elsewhere you say by 2100.  LongLiveSP 09-04-2024, 19:07
  Re: I see the TOMN is projecting his inner most desires again on AP.  BOB2 09-04-2024, 20:27
  Re: How to deal effectively with any future flooding?  BOB2 09-04-2024, 11:18
  "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp..  Pie Sky in Your Eye 09-04-2024, 11:48
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls?  BOB2 09-04-2024, 12:19
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls?  LongLiveSP 09-04-2024, 12:36
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls?  BOB2 09-04-2024, 15:58
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls?  LongLiveSP 09-04-2024, 19:08
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" Appear to Have Made the TOMN "Rise" and post about his sexually explicit fantasies again on AP?  BOB2 09-04-2024, 20:18
  BOB2 posts on AP that NOAA.gov AND USGS.gov are not reliable then posts a dot gov link!?  What would AP do BOB2 free? 09-04-2024, 19:54
  Re: BOB2 posts on AP that NOAA.gov AND USGS.gov are not reliable then posts a dot gov link!?  I'ma M'gaga 09-04-2024, 20:09
  Re: BOB2 used all of his secret telepathic powers to make the TOMN do all of this meth tonight... And BOB2 helped fake those moon landings, too...  BOB2 09-04-2024, 20:40
  Re: BOB2 used all of his secret telepathic powers to make the TOMN do all of this meth tonight... And BOB2 helped fake those moon landings, too...  RFK Fan 09-04-2024, 20:46
  Re: Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP  Transportation Planner 09-04-2024, 07:11
  Re: Highway 37 and SMART/NWP-Thanks for more of the details  BOB2 09-04-2024, 07:28
  Re: Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP  FUD 09-04-2024, 07:53
  Re: Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP  john 09-04-2024, 17:17
  Small loco, big number. UP 44 tonner 903999  Who Can Handle It? 09-03-2024, 20:31
  Re: Small loco, big number. UP 44 tonner 903999  Robert Duece 09-04-2024, 00:15
  ORHF, Portland would be a good home!  Fuel oil 09-04-2024, 14:24
  BNSF Officers Special in South Seattle Sept. 3rd  George Andrews 09-03-2024, 19:32
  DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said.  Butcher Pete 09-03-2024, 18:04
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said.  Don't drink and snooze 09-03-2024, 20:11
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Yep, this happens more than you'd think...  BOB2 09-04-2024, 09:07
  Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  Commenter 09-03-2024, 13:16
  Re: Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  Energize Me 09-03-2024, 13:36
  Re: Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  FUD 09-03-2024, 14:48
  Re: Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  Clem 09-03-2024, 19:40
  Re: Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  FUD 09-03-2024, 20:58
  Re: Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  Jose 09-03-2024, 14:31
  Re: Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  exespee 09-03-2024, 18:57
  Re: Fox News Likes Caltrain Electrification  Commenter 09-03-2024, 19:38
  Big Boy Cab Rides  Mr. Ed 09-02-2024, 18:59
  Re: Big Boy Cab Rides  GRD 09-02-2024, 21:17
  Re: Big Boy Cab Rides  Hot Water 09-02-2024, 22:44
  TOMN Cab Rides, now with the actual auction link-  Old nooze.. 09-02-2024, 23:26
  Re: TOMN Cab Rides, now with the actual auction link- RESULTS ARE IN  $mokin' G. 09-02-2024, 23:56
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who come to AP because they actually like trains...  BOB2 09-03-2024, 07:50
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who come to AP for UP4014 *Please note the opening bid for each lot is $4,000*  REGISTERING TO BID 09-03-2024, 19:11
  Re: Big Boy Cab Rides  LongLiveSP 09-03-2024, 11:23
  Jay Leno got a cab ride in 4014 today  Johnny Carson 09-04-2024, 20:21
  Re: Jay Leno got a cab ride in 4014 today on Altamont Onion..  Angel dusting 09-04-2024, 21:10
  Re: Jay Leno should visit OERM  He lives around there right? 09-05-2024, 14:20
  Re: Jay Leno DID visit OERM !  #7 on TV ! 15MINS ! 09-05-2024, 14:48
  Re: Jay Leno DID visit OERM ! 2018 with Harvey and Randy buried in the annoying episode with Weird Al.  Not Gary Yesterday, 11:30
  Re: Jay Leno got a cab ride in 4014 today on Altamont Onion..  FUD Yesterday, 08:42
  Fud posts a link to Jay Leno Garage episodes on Altamont Onion that does not have the OERM 2018 episode.  Sheesh! Yesterday, 11:22
  Re: Fud posts a link to Jay Leno Garage episodes on Altamont Onion that does not have the OERM 2018 episode.  FUD Yesterday, 16:12
  Re: Fud posts a link to Jay Leno Garage episodes on Altamont Onion that does not have the OERM 2018 episode.  Random Crazy Posts Yesterday, 18:43
  Re: Fud posts a link to Jay Leno Garage episodes on Altamont Onion that does not have the OERM 2018 episode.  BOB2 Today, 14:41
  Re: A real post with a link to Jay Leno Garage episode Origins on Altamont Onion OERM 2018 .  Roberto Today, 16:27
  Coast Starlight Service Disruption  Binney Jct. Transient 09-02-2024, 17:51
  Re: Coast Starlight Service Disruption  FUD 09-02-2024, 21:18
  Re: Coast Starlight Service Disruption Update  FUD 09-02-2024, 21:25
  Re: Coast Starlight Service Disruption  You got EXACTLY what you asked for. 09-02-2024, 22:58
  If you want your spouse to file for a divorce . . .  CTA Coroner 09-02-2024, 17:23
  Re: If you want your spouse to file for a divorce . . .  How Long 09-03-2024, 10:33
  Vernon California Train Derails Ethanol Spill Prompts Hazmat  Oh My 09-02-2024, 13:10
  Re: Vernon, California - BNSF Derails Ethanol Tanks - Spill Prompts Local Hazmat  JB 09-02-2024, 13:30
  Re: Vernon, California - BNSF Derails Ethanol Tanks - Spill Prompts Local Hazmat  Juan 09-02-2024, 13:39
  Did the homeless winos and drunks scoop up the spilled Ethanol?  ;P 09-02-2024, 13:40
  Re: It is Malabar in Vernon  Juan 09-02-2024, 13:54
  BUGX 6326  Am I bugging you? 09-02-2024, 10:57
  There will never be a wonderful train museum  Reality hits 09-02-2024, 11:52
  Re: BUGX 6326  Anonymous 09-02-2024, 16:46
  Re: BUGX 6326  Bugx Expert 09-03-2024, 08:19
  Re: BUGX and the stranded units  Bug-B-Gon 09-03-2024, 21:23
  NWP yard and balloon in Eureka being cleared  Alf Doten 09-02-2024, 09:51
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared  Rusted Busted Jason D. 09-02-2024, 11:01
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared  The bell tolls 09-02-2024, 11:24
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared  Alf Doten 09-02-2024, 11:58
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared  AZebra 09-03-2024, 18:37
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared  yardmaster 09-04-2024, 06:47
  #4/2 woes  Oh My 09-02-2024, 09:38
  Re: #4/2 woes on Pumpkin Orange  Boring 09-02-2024, 10:15
  Re: #4/2 woes on Pumpkin Orange  LongLiveSP 09-02-2024, 10:49
  Re: #4/2 woes on Pumpkin Orange  Negative! ONLY fun-nin! 09-02-2024, 11:22
  Re: #4/2 woes continue  Oh My 09-02-2024, 12:12
  Re: #4/Sept 2,2024 woes is me  Amtrak Mary 09-02-2024, 13:18
  Re: #4 of Sept 2 leaves LA today  Juan 09-02-2024, 13:31
  Re: #4 of Sept 2 leaves Gallup Today LOL  Oh My 09-02-2024, 13:36
  Lithium Ion battery fire shuts down the UP near Marysville since last night  Oh My 09-02-2024, 08:13
  If The Trains Were Better, Would You Take Them?  Commenter 09-01-2024, 20:56
  Ed Dickens wants to chat  Mr Ed 09-01-2024, 20:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant  Friction bearing 09-01-2024, 20:54
  Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc.  Why bother 09-01-2024, 21:21
  Re: Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. - Wes actually was not "nitpicking" in his post.  "Ten or more years" ago 09-01-2024, 22:06
  Re: Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. - Wes actually was not "nitpicking" in his post.  Why bother 09-03-2024, 13:32
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant  ! 09-02-2024, 11:48
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant  ? 09-02-2024, 12:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant  Out of It 09-02-2024, 15:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant  ! 09-02-2024, 15:35
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant  ?? Today, 07:08
  The other Gold Line (SacRT)  Sac Bee 09-01-2024, 18:11
  Re: The other Gold Line (SacRT)  FUD 09-02-2024, 08:36
  Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-sixty-eighth Installment  D. B. Arthur 09-01-2024, 14:51
  Oops!  D. B. Arthur 09-02-2024, 16:34
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-sixty-eighth Installment  AZebra 09-03-2024, 18:32
  Meanwhile, for the folks who come to AP for the trains.... Gold Line Testing...  BOB2 09-01-2024, 09:35
  Re: Meanwhile, for the folks who come to AP for the trains.... Gold Line Testing...  George Andrews 09-01-2024, 13:22
  Re: Meanwhile, for the folks who come to AP for the trains.... Gold Line Testing... Questions?  BOB2 09-01-2024, 14:03
  Re: Meanwhile, it is no longer branded "Gold Line" ... it is now the "A" Line.  2024 Delusional 09-01-2024, 14:16
  Re: Meanwhile, it is no longer branded "Gold Line" ... it is now the "A" Line. Poor little thing did I upset you again?  BOB2 09-01-2024, 14:41
  Re: Meanwhile, it is no longer branded "Gold Line" ... it is now the "A" Line. Poor little thing did I upset you again?  It is still The A Line! 09-01-2024, 15:24
  Re: Meanwhile, it is no longer branded "Gold Line" ... it is now the "A" Line.  Jim 09-03-2024, 15:25
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